Eric Yu (Punk, The Social, Salvador and Amanda) and drinks industry guru Dr é Masso's joint new cocktail joint/ dim sum parlour, Opiu...
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Paramount , Soho
Joy! Paramount, the swish complex atop Centre Point, is no longer members only. Book in advance though; bar tables are at a premium. Understandably so, with killer cocktails and to-die-for 360 degree views of Lilliputian London all twinkly-twilighty below. Tom Dixon’s sleek’n’sexy interior with its Cubist copper bar could be a set from a stylish 1960's American flick. By the way my date is toying with the slender flute her Roseberry Fizz comes in, I'm reminded of Faye Dunaway stroking Steve McQueen’s bishop in The Thomas Crown Affair's steamy chess match sequence. At £11, my Three King Swizzle, a kumquat-y take on a mojito, isn’t cheap; but it’s better value and loads more entertaining than a DVD of the Pierce Brosnan/ Rene Russo rehash of the original. Around midnight, we flit upstairs to Paramount’s Jetsons-style sky lounge. Surreally, it’s just me, the date and one other chap who is entertaining stereo leggy blondes over pink Krug at £360. Hello! I recognise that lantern jaw-line. Didn’t my Mum always listen to him in the ‘70s when she was taking it easy like Sunday morning? Our barman reckons the blondes - young enough to be his adopted daughter? - are sisters and er, ‘dancers’ from Helsinki. Dunno about the star, but a taxi home brings my night to a happy Finnish.